Dinosaur roar, dinosaur squeak 恐龙嗷呜吼,恐龙吱吱叫 Dinosaur fierce, dinosaur meek, 恐龙凶巴巴,恐龙软绵绵 Dinosaur fast, dinosaur slow, 恐龙跑快快,恐龙慢吞吞 Dinosaur above, and dinosaur below, 恐龙上面走,恐龙底下趴 Dinosaur weak, dinosaur strong, 恐龙柔弱弱,恐龙壮实实 Dinosaur short, or very very long, 恐龙短悄悄,恐龙很长很很长 Dinosaur fat, dinosaur tiny, 恐龙胖乎乎,恐龙瘦干干 Dinosaur clean, and dinosaur slimy 恐龙干净净,恐龙脏兮兮 Dinosaur sweet, dinosaur grumpy 恐龙笑眯眯,恐龙气呼呼 Dinosaur spiky, and dinosaur lumpy. 恐龙角尖尖,恐龙瘤圆圆 All sorts of dinosaurs eating up their lunch, 恐龙千万样,恐龙一起吃午餐 Gobble,gobble,nibble, nibble, munch, munch,scrunch! 大口吞,小口啃,细细嚼,咔嚓咬